Students Prepare for 2020 Board Exams
February 04, 2020
The Indian educational system is oriented around standard examinations. Students in grades X and XII have to appear for very rigorous and difficult board exams. The results can be life-changing, or hope-crushing. The tests can determine whether a student can pursue further education and what subjects they may study. The exams themselves consist largely of rote learning and memorization, which supports a large test-prep industry (for those who can afford it). This year among the artisans' children and the neighborhood kids who participate in Education for Life there are 14 students who will be taking the Xth grade exam, and 10 who will appear for the grade XII exam. Suvarna, the social worker at SHARE, helps these children deal with their stress and works with them so that they can achieve their potential. The students recently met with Ropal, the psychologist, both as a group and individually, to talk about their fears, hopes and strategies.
Ayush Chaurasia, Armaan Club Member
Being an average student Ayush was not confident of making it through the board exams. The social worker teamed him with a fellow student to form a study buddy group, and this seemed to help."Most days I feel confident that I will clear my board exams but some days I feel very nervous. I am able to get through this because of Sahil, my friend and helping hand. We go to the same school, same extra classes and also study together. Sahil is not only a good friend and student but has also turned out to be a good teacher. With his help I feel I will be able to make this happen."
Arpita Gond, Armaan Club Member
"As I started secondary school (Grade 6), science and math became difficult for me to grasp which started showing in my results in the following years. This year as I was to appear for my Grade X, I was afraid that I would fail these subjects. All through the year my parents, tuition teacher and Didi (the social worker) encouraged and guided me to overcome my fear. In the recently concluded prelims I succeeded in clearing both the subjects. It was such a feeling of relief, and it has given me confidence for the upcoming exams. There is still some small sense of fear at the back of the mind but I really hope to do better and overcome it for good."
Lincia Albert Mandivikar, Armaan Club Member
"Though we have been preparing ourselves the whole year for board exams, the past month has been extremely busy and anxious. Suddenly there is so much to do, extra practice papers at school and extra classes, oral exams, reviews and so on. There are times I just want to run away from all of this pressure. But in my heart, I know that this is a very important step in my life and I hope that I am able to make the most of this time and do well in my exams."
Poonam Adkar, Armaan Club Member
"Science is one subject I fear, but I am trying to do my best for the upcoming board exams. I also find it difficult to remember things easily so sometimes I have to go over the same things many times. My mother is my biggest support- she makes it a point to ask me about my studies and progress every day. One time when I was reluctant to ask for help, she came to the classes to speak to the teacher and helped me overcome my inhibitions about asking questions."
Ajay Yadav, Education for Life Participant
"I am not really worried about the exams as I think I am studying well. I completed the entire syllabus in December and have now reviewed it 4 to 5 times. . I am very hopeful and I know that stress is not going to help. I am aiming to score above 90% in the board exams. I have scored goods marks in the internal examination. At home, my elder brother helps to answer any questions I have, especially in Hindi and Science. My parents are not so educated but they both motivate me to do well in my studies and life. My father wants me to join the army and has high expectations from me."