Artisans Glow with Success
March 16, 2020
SMM members since 2015: (left to right) Sushma Raut, Sampada Devil, Nilima Matre, Rita Singh
Artisans glow with the success of their first social action project. Social Action is a powerful MarketPlace program that teaches women to affect their communities. Groups learn to research a problem and brainstorm tactics to confront it, but it is the spirit of the women themselves that drives success. After a MarketPlace meeting in Mumbai as a first action, one of our newer groups Shramik Mahila Mandal Cooperative (SMM translates to "Hard Work") zealously organized to educate their community about the State Health Scheme for low-income women. The women arranged a public meeting with a representative from the program, then went door to door to urge people to attend, even returning on the day of the talk to remind people. Because of their enthusiastic and coordinated efforts, the meeting was lively and well attended. Their community was grateful for this important and relevant information. The SMM artisans felt very satisfied that their first action into activism was a success.